Why should I take out critical illness cover?

Summary: Critical illness cover can help with any additional costs that might arise if you were diagnosed with a critical illness. This includes things like medical expenses, lost income, and changes to your lifestyle.

Why should I take out critical illness cover?

Adding critical illness cover to your life insurance policy can provide a financial cushion if you developed one of our covered critical illnesses. You’re in control of how much critical illness cover is right for you.

There are a number of reasons why you might get critical illness cover:

  • Medical costs: Critical illness cover can help with the burden of increased medical costs, often associated with treating serious conditions
  • Lifestyle changes: Living with a critical illness means you may have to cover the cost of adjusting your lifestyle
  • Care: Living with a critical illness might require the assistance of a carer; critical illness cover can help support the cost of this
  • Lost income: A lump sum payout from critical illness cover can help support you and your loved ones if you find yourself unable to work

Remember, you can spend this money however you like. You might prefer to take your loved ones on the holiday of a lifetime, or simply ensure they stay free from debt.

Child critical illness cover

You also have the option of adding child critical illness cover to your critical illness policy. This protects your kids, as well as any others you might have later on.

Similar to your own critical illness cover, you can use this lump sum to pay medical bills, care costs, and adapt your home to accommodate a changing lifestyle.