No medical exam life insurance

Summary: With Beagle Street, you can get simple, affordable life insurance with no medical exam required. We also don’t request medical records as part of our online application process, saving you the hassle and cost of getting them from your GP.

Will I need a medical exam?

No. Beagle Street provide life insurance with no medical. You’ll just need to answer a few simple questions about your health and family medical history, and you can get covered in as little as 10 minutes.

Can I get cover with a pre-existing health condition?

The exact nature of your condition will affect whether you’re able to get life insurance. There’s no guarantee, but we do look at each case individually.

It’s important you disclose the details of your condition as part of your application. This lets us make the most informed decision possible and offer the cover that’s right for you. Failure to tell us about a pre-existing condition risks invalidating your policy and could result in your claim not being paid.